Eraser Printmaking with Morag Thomson Merriman

By Morag Thomson Merriman

At art college I had favoured large A1 woodcut prints, as I had enjoyed the challenge of working on such a huge scale, however with a much smaller studio space at home, I had been looking for alternative means of printmaking without a press.

Having since tried out eraser printmaking, I've found that it is one of the easiest printmaking methods you can try.  It’s also great fun, and quite addictive too, especially when you end up with a number of diverse images from which you can make quite unique prints!

Eraser printmaking: Detail of quick eraser print in visual diary achieved using two different hand carved erasers and further developed with drawn shapes in pen & ink and pencil ©moragthomsonmerriman 2012
Detail of quick eraser print in visual diary achieved using two different hand carved erasers and further developed with drawn shapes in pen & ink and pencil ©moragthomsonmerriman 2012


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Morag Thompson Merriman


Scottish visual artist & illustrator with a love of storytelling. Passion is for drawing, illustration and printmaking, working in mixed media, with the work (mainly character/ narrative images) evolving organically and intuitively from imagination, memories, observation and inspiration. Degree in MA (Hons) Fine Art. Currently involved in a collaborative project with Andrea Butler.
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