Exercise to Introduce Foreshortening and Volume in Line Drawings

By Sheila Ceccarelli

I was so excited about this exercise and its results.

I wanted to introduce children aged 10 to 13 to foreshortening and find a way to facilitate the development of volume in their line drawings, knowing that they would be highly critical of their work if it didn’t look ‘right’. Instinctively I felt they should work ‘small and quick’ to encourage 'doing without thinking' (and worrying!).

Foreshortening is when an object appears compressed when seen from a specific view, like for example when life drawing if the model's legs are closer to you than their head they may appear larger in proportion to the body.

This workshop can be adapted to be suitable for groups or individual tutorials and appropriate for all age groups including adults. Allow about 40 minutes.


foreshortening and volume in line drawings: Foreshortened Cow by Jasmine
Foreshortened Cow by Jasmine


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