Inset: Introducing Sketchbooks

Inset: Introducing Sketchbooks to Teachers

AccessArt has many years experience of introducing and developing sketchbook use amongst all key stages, through the Sketchbooks in Schools project and The Sketchbook Conference 2011. Sketchbooks can be a very valuable learning tool when used appropriately and creatively and this Inset aims to give teachers the skills and confidence to implement and develop sketchbook use in their school.

Introducing Sketchbooks shares and explores:

  • Ways of introducing sketchbooks to novice users,
  • Nurturing ownership of sketchbooks,
  • How to embed sketchbook use in the school day,
  • Sketchbook exercises to help develop sketchbook approach.

The session can be tailored to your needs and can be delivered in your school, to a cluster, or via an AccessArt Network Workshop. This workshop has been particularly successful in breaking down preconceptions and building confidence in teachers who have little or no experience of using sketchbooks (and even those who are yet to be persuaded that sketchbooks are a valuable tool!).

The session is led by Paula Briggs and Sheila Ceccarelli, founders of AccessArt and graduates of the Royal College of Art and experienced sketchbook advocates.

To discuss an Inset please phone 01223 262134 or email:

AccessArt also runs Sketchbook Making and Development sessions with pupils – please phone for details 01223 262134.

Inset: Developing Sketchbooks in Schools

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