Inspired by Henri Matisse – Repetitive Life Drawing Exercise

Sharing ways to approach drawing and facilitate a fluid approach to experimentation with line and expression is the principle aim of my classes and I'm always on the look out for exercises which break down barriers of pre-conceived ideas of what a drawing should be or what finished drawings should look like.  Teenagers at my class are highly gifted and motivated and very receptive to new ideas and experimentation.

Henri Matisse (1969 - 1954) often drew an object or life pose many times in succession.

This was demonstrated very clearly at the 'Matisse Paires et Series' exhibition. 'Matisse Paires et Series' exhibition at The Pompidou Centre, Paris (until June 18th 2012), an exhibition of Henri Mattisse's paintings and drawings in pairs or in a series.

This exhibition presented a rare opportunity to see Matisse's work in series and photographic images of his studios and exhibitions, demonstrating his interest in repetitive drawing throughout his life's work.

repetitive life drawing exercise: Libby by Anna
Libby by Anna. Inspired by Matisse


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