Our Creative Community: Responding To & Working With Artists

After visiting Yorkshire Sculpture Park, meeting with artist Janine Burrows and seeing artists’ work up close and personal, pupils were able to begin forming ideas about what their project could be. 

One pupil suggested the idea of ‘Fairyfields’, bringing together buildings found within their local community of Mirfield, with fairies created by each pupil. This idea was inspired by the fairies made by Samantha Bryan, an artist pupils came across at Yorkshire Sculpture Park.

In the following resources you’ll see how Natalie Deane made this idea a reality by organising workshops, inspired or run by local artists in Mirfield.

Fairy Heads Inspired by Samantha Bryan by Nat Deane

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After a group discussion about the issues of creating 3D buildings to house Samantha Bryan style ‘fairies’, and the constraints of different material choices, the idea of working on clay slabs formed.

This meant Natalie had to engage another artist to enable the creation of the architectural element to the project. Read on to find out how the buildings for Fairyfields were formed.

Whilst waiting for artist Samantha Bryan to become available for physical workshops, Natalie devised a project inspired by Janine Burrows, an artist who pupils engaged with on the Yorkshire Sculpture Park trip.

Read on to see how Natalie worked with a moving schedule to maintain momentum and ensure that pupils were getting the most out of artist engagement, whilst giving them the opportunity to work with surface, colour mixing and mark-making.

In the final of the artist-inspired workshops, artist Samantha Bryan came into Battyeford Primary School to run a two-part session to support pupils in making their ‘fairies’ for ‘Fairyfields’.

Explore the resources detailing the process included in creating ‘fairies’, as well as a Talking Points inspired by the work of Samantha Bryan.

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