Starting Out with the AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum


If you have just signed up to use the AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum you can find all the information you need to start using the scheme in your school on this page.

Work your way through the sections below to ensure the best possible transition to using our resources in your school. 

1. Ensure all Staff have Access…

If you have provided us with the first name, surname and email address of every user to be registered, these users should have received their usernames and passwords directly to their inboxes. 

If you have any problems with access please email

If you have not yet joined AccessArt and would like more information about using our Primary Art Curriculum you can find out more here.

Many thanks to pupils and staff at the Network CB23 schools

2. Build your Understanding of how AccessArt Teaches Art…

It’s important that as an Art Lead, and as a Teacher, you understand what makes AccessArt’s approach unique.

We understand that for many teachers this can be a learning curve, especially if you have little or no experience of teaching art. 

Please take the time to watch and read the content on these pages to help build your understanding. 

Learn about the intent behind our Curriculum

Watch Recordings to Build understanding

3. Decide on your Curriculum and Pathways, and Review all Support Docs…

Our scheme is flexible, and there are many choices to be made by each school.

You will need to decide which curriculum to use, and then which pathways you will offer pupils. You will also need to spend time downloading and editing our comprehensive support documents so that they reflect your choices, and meet the requirements of your school.

Choose Your Curriculum...

arrow right

4. Introduce AccessArt to your Staff…

As Art Lead, you may have been tasked to run a session to introduce AccessArt to staff. 

Explore the links in this block to help you run such a session. 

Watch a Session Recording On Introducing our curriculum to staff

Download a powerpoint for your use

5. Read our FAQ…

See common questions about the AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum.

If your question is not listed pls email

As you become more familiar with the AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum, deepen your understanding and develop your skills…

Develop Staff Skills

It’s important to us that our resources can be used by inexperienced, non-specialist teachers, as well as more experienced educators.

Encourage your teachers to attend our free Zoom CPD sessions, which are free to members (our collaborative CPD is reduced price for members) to help build understanding and enjoyment. We also have a library of recordings of past Zoom CPD sessions (see links below).

Your staff might also like to see our pedagogy posts here

Attend Free Ongoing Zoom CPD

Adapt the Curriculum to Suit your School

As you become more proficient at using our scheme, and as your confidence grows, you will feel able to increase the ways in which you adapt the pathways to suit your pupils and school. 

Adapting AccessArt

curriculum links

Read the AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum Report 

In the summer of 2023, a year on from the launch of the AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum, we conducted a survey to invite users to feedback their experiences of using the resources so far.

You can find everything you need to know about the results of the survey in this report.

AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum Impact 2023

How do we Add Members/Update Staff

For any membership admin please email

Share your Outcomes 

We love seeing outcomes inspired by AccessArt resources. Explore the AccessArt Gallery.

Find out how you can share outcomes with us and with other schools here.

Network with other Teachers

You might like to join the AccessArt Network Facebook Group to network with other teachers using AccessArt resources in their school.

Download a PDF Getting Started Step By Step Guide

Download a PDF version of this information here

AccessArt is a Registered Charity and Subject Association for Art. Find out more about AccessArt.

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