What is the Continuous Line Drawing Exercise, and When to Use it.
- The Continuous Line Drawing Exercise is a perfect exercise to use with all ages of children, from 5 years and upwards.
- This exercise helps children slow down their looking and then helps them coordinate drawing with seeing. It develops observational drawing skills, and also helps children settle and focus.
- It can take as little as 5 to 10 minutes.
- The drawings will have a particular \”look\” – each a record of how much the child has seen.
- Use it before another art project as a \”transition\” exercise, or use it on a regular basis to improve drawing skills.
You Will Need:
- Sheet of paper for each child.
- A handwriting pen or sharp pencil.
- An object to draw near each child, such as a shell, feather, leaf etc.
Summary of the Exercise:
- Invite the children to stay quiet and concentrate.
- Ask them to looks slowly at the object, letting their eye travel along it\’s surfaces.
- As they look, invite them to move their pencil or pen at the same speed, making a drawing in one continuous line.
- Ask the children to keep looking/drawing until you say time is up.
Jacob Ajiere
June 20, 2020 @ 12:06 pm
I like it very much and it teaches you how to draw