AccessArt Olympics: Sportswear Design
Sportswear Design
Aim: To introduce pupils to sportswear design, what it’s used for and what it can represent. Pupils will get the opportunity to design their own sportswear whilst developing painting and collage skills.
Step 1: Introduce
Begin the session by asking pupils to make an Olympic project sketchbook using one of the “Making Sketchbooks” resources.
Introduce pupils to iconic Olympic Fashion from the past using “Talking Points: Olympic Fashion“. Invite pupils to create “Visual Notes” in their sketchbooks inspired by what they see.

Step 2: Drawing
Give pupils the opportunity to draw figures from life inspired by the “Life Drawing For Children” resource. Borrow some sports equipment from the PE department to inform their poses. Take it in turns to model in an athletic pose related to the sports prop and draw.

Step 3: Introduce
Introduce pupils to the idea that sportswear can be designed to reflect a sport, person, a team, a place etc. Watch the videos on “Talking Points: Designing Sportswear” and use the questions to prompt a discussion about what designers use as inspiration for their designs.

Using paint and collage, invite pupils to create decorated papers which can be transformed into “2d and 3d Fashion Designs“. Adapt the resource slightly to encourage them to think about what motifs/symbols/patterns they might create to reflects their local area, personality, a sport, olympic value, or a focus of your choice.

Step 4: Reflect
Use the resource here to help you run a class “crit” to finish the project.
Invite children to display the work in a clear space on tables or on the wall. Recap with them about the exploration – where they started, what they discovered and what they enjoyed.
If you have class cameras or tablets, invite the children to document their work, working in pairs or teams.