AccessArt Progression of Skills Years 1 to 6

The Progression Plan provided below has been created to support the new AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum.

The new plan is a reworking of the older AccessArt Progression Plan (2019), the new version being in a simpler format which we hope may suit the current requirements schools are facing.

Please note:

  • Please read the post “Clear Progression of Skills and Knowledge” to understand our view on Progression Plans.

  • Our new Progression document (below) contains a mix of explicit and implicit knowledge. We deliberately and unashamedly use language in the plan which take it from being merely technical to philosophical. We think this is not only appropriate but essential if we are to protect arts status as a unique subject within the curriculum.

  • The plan has links to our new Primary Art Curriculum. If you are using a reduced version of our full curriculum (for example the split or mixed year group curriculum), then please edit accordingly (see the video below to help you make your edits). If your school is not using our Primary Art Curriculum, but would like to use our Progression Plan as basis to inform your schools own plan, then please bear in mind that there are many areas to cover in an art curriculum and as each school must decide which areas they include or exclude, this is by no means a fixed or finished plan. Your version will be the one which is right for your school.

Download the new AccessArt Progression Plan by clicking here.

AccessArt Progression of Skills and Knowledge

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