Talking Points: Kittie Jones
A collection of sources and imagery to explore the work of landscape painter Kittie Jones.
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Kelly D
January 20, 2024 @ 3:18 pm
Please can you explain what ‘layering colour’ is and how it is done? Thank you
January 22, 2024 @ 9:30 am
Hi Kelly, layering colour can be done using any colour medium, but will work in slightly different ways. Paints like oil and acrylic are quick thick, and so if you layer one colour over another (once the first layer is dry or partially dry) it will cover over the under colour more effectively. Watercolour works more as a wash and so layering one colour over another will create a different aesthetic and have a more translucent quality. The best way to learn about how colours can be layered is to have a play and experiment, so if you (and your learners) would like to know more, I would recommend building some ‘play’ time into your art lessons so they are familiarising themselves with the materials and what they can do. I hope this helps!