The AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum: Getting Started Step by Step

If you are considering using AccessArt as a scheme, or looking to use our resources to support your existing planning, then we hope this simple step by step guide will help you get started. Download the PDF version here.

How you Might Use AccessArt in Your School

There are two main ways teachers of children age 5 to 11 use AccessArt. 

The first way is to use us a fully flexible and adaptable scheme – the AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum. The scheme consists of 36 pathways for Years 1 to 6 plus EYFS. It has been designed to enable you to deliver a rich, engaging and relevant curriculum which enables all pupils and teachers to develop their skills and understanding through an inspirational approach. 

The second way schools use AccessArt is to support and extend your existing planning, or to help further develop a particular area of exploration (eg sketchbooks) or deliver a specific project. 

Follow the steps below to better understand how AccessArt can help deliver an exciting art curriculum in your school. 

Step 1: Ensure our Intent Matches your Intent

If you are interested in following the AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum as an art scheme in your school, it’s important that you understand the philosophy and intent behind our work, to ensure that it matches and informs your own understanding and practice of how best to teach art in your school.

There are many ways to teach art, and there is no “right or wrong” approach. To help you understand more about our approach, and to help you decide if the AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum is a good fit for your school, please visit this page. 

Pathway Disciplines

Top Tips

Step 2: Adapting the Curriculum to Suit your School  

A key aim behind our new Primary Art Curriculum is to ensure that our resources are flexible enough to suit all schools, whatever your size or structure. The smallest school using the AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum has just 13 pupils – the largest are multi-form entry schools.

The main versions of the Curriculum appear below, and you can find more information about adapting our resources to suit your school below.

All the supporting documents we provide are fully editable. Once you have adapted your curriculum, if you would like AccessArt to take a quick look at your edited sequencing we can do that for you. Email

The curriculum can also be adapted to fit cross-curricular topics

Step 3: Introducing the AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum to your Staff

It’s vital that staff understand how AccessArt works so we have created a number of videos which you can share with staff at a meeting to help introduce them to AccessArt.

Start your AccessArt journey by watching one of the Introductions to the AccessArt Curriculum. You can also find videos explaining our approach to knowledge and skills within the curriculum, progression, assessment and teacher growth.

Step 4: Using our Resources to Support your Existing Planning

It might be that you already have existing planning in place that you have created internally, or that you follow another scheme, but that you would like to develop certain aspects of your offer, or would like to improve skills in a certain area. 

AccessArt can help – many schools use us as a cost effective and inspirational way to develop their approach, skills and opportunities for staff and pupils. 

Top Tip

Exploring Materials, ideas & Techniques

Creative Pedagogies & Approaches

Primary Art Curriculum

Progression & Assessment

Connecting Communities

Top Tip

Step 6: Share your Outcomes

We love seeing outcomes inspired by AccessArt resources. Explore the AccessArt Curriculum Galleries.

Pls find out how you can share outcomes with us and with other schools here.

Year 4, Manland Primary
Year 4, Manland Primary
Year 5, Carden Primary School
Year 5, Carden Primary School
Year 6, Whitchurch Primary School
Year 6, Whitchurch Primary School
Year 6, Sheffield High School
Year 6, Sheffield High School

Top Tip

  • Organise an exhibition at school and invite staff and teachers in nearby schools to celebrate your AccessArt journey and see your outcomes.

Step 7: Feedback to AccessArt

It’s important to us to understand what works well and what works less well. Please do help us understand how you find using our resources by completely our short survey here

If you need any support please get in touch!

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