Pathway: Exploring Identity
Pathway for Years 5 & 6
Collage, Drawing, Sketchbooks
Key Concepts:
That artists embrace the things which make them who they are: their culture, background, experiences, passions – and use these in their work to help them create work which others can relate to.
That people are the sum of lots of different experiences, and that through art we can explore our identity.
That we can use techniques such as working with layers to help create imagery which reflects the complex nature of our identities.
That as viewers we can then “read” imagery made by other people, unpicking imagery, line, shape, colour to help us understand the experience of the artist.
In this pathway children are introduced to artists who explore their identity within their art.
Pupils explore how artists use various aspects of their identity, creating imagery which explores many different aspects within one image by using layers and juxtaposition. Children listen to how the artists construct their work, before working physically in drawing and collage or digitally on a tablet to make their own layered and constructed portrait.
Pupils also use sketchbook throughout to help them generate ideas, experiment with materials and techniques, and record and reflect.
Drawing Materials, Tablet (if digital), Paper
Artists: Njideka Akunyili Crosby, Yinka Shonibare, Thandiwe Muriu, Mike Barrett
This pathway will take approximately half a term, based upon a weekly art lesson.
If you use this resource in your setting, please tag us on social media: #InspiredBy @accessart (facebook, twitter) (instagram) and share the url. Thank you!

Teaching Notes
Find the MTP for this pathway here.
Curriculum Links
History: Explore the identity of a figure from your chosen history topic.
PSHE: Collaboration, Peer Discussion, Different Religions, Ethnic Identity.
I Can…
I have seen how artists explore their identity by creating layered and constructed images. I can share my response to their work with my classmates.
I can use my curiosity to think about how I might adapt techniques and processes to suit me.
I can use my sketchbook to record, generate ideas, test, reflect and record.
I can work digitally or physically to create a layered portrait to explore aspects of my identity, thinking about line, shape, colour, texture and meaning.
I can share my work with my classmates, articulate how I feel about the journey and outcome. I can listen to feedback from my classmates and respond.
I can appreciate the work of my classmates and I can reflect upon the differences and similarities of their work (and experience) to mine. I can share my response to their work.
I can take photographs of my artwork, thinking about lighting, focus and composition.