Painting for Ages 11-16

AccessArt is creating a series of Enquiry-Based Creative Learning Pathways aimed for use with teenagers. On this page you will find pathways, artists and activities on AccessArt supporting the development of Painting in your educational setting.

These pathways can be used to form the basis of sessions for ages 11 to 16 in formal education settings (including Year 7-11 (England, Wales), S1-S4 (Scotland), Year 8-11 (Northern Ireland), home-education and in community settings such as museum, gallery or artist-led education.

These pages are in development so please be allowing for errors and changes as we build this area of our site.



Explore Painters on AccessArt

Vanessa Gardiner

Saoirse Morgan

Jason Line

Frances Hatch

Paul Cezanne

Claire Harrup

Kittie Jones

dutch and flemish paintings

Explore Activities on AccessArt

Diary Of A Sculptural Sketchbook

Sculptural Environments inspired by Hockney

Inspired by Flowers

Introduction to Ink via Still Life

Working In And With The Landscape

Layers in the Landscape by Emma Davies

Gothic Still Life – Drawing Skulls and Candles

Nib & Ink Mark Making Still Life

Concertina Landscapes

Painting The Light & Dark…

Graphic Inky Still Life!

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