Pathway: Shadow Puppets
Pathway for Years 5 & 6
Making, Drawing, Sketchbooks
Key Concepts:
That there are many traditions of using intricate cutouts as shadow puppets to narrate archetypal stories.
That artists and craftspeople adapt the traditions they inherit to make them their own, and to reflect the culture they live in.
That we can take inspiration from other artists and cultures and make the processes and techniques our own by using materials, tools and narratives which are important to us.
That we can work in collaboration with others to make a shared experience.
In this pathway children explore both traditional and contemporary artists and craftspeople using intricate cutouts to create artwork which is meaningful to the culture in which it is created.
Pupils explore how they can take inspiration from other artists and craftspeople, and adapt ideas to suit their own way of working. Pupils create puppets working in collaboration.
Sketchbooks are used throughout to record, generate ideas, test and reflect.
Paper, Construction Materials
Artists: Lotte Reiniger, Matisse, Wayang Shadow Puppets, Phillipp Otto Runge, Pippa Dyrlaga, Thomas Witte
If you use this resource in your setting, please tag us on social media: #InspiredBy @accessart (facebook, twitter) (instagram) and share the url. Thank you!

Teaching Notes
Find the MTP for this pathway here.
See the Zoom CPD session exploring making shadow puppets.
Curriculum Links
English: Use literature to inspire narrative.
History: Create a narrative around area of focus.
Science: Human body, animals, light and shadow.
Music & Drama: Be Inspired, or make a creative response to, existing productions/themes.
PSHE: Responsibility to the planet, Collaboration, Peer Discussion, Different Religions, Ethnic Identity.
I Can…
I have seen how a variety of artists and craftspeople use their interest in cutouts to generate imagery. I can share my response to their work with my classmates.
I can use my curiosity to think about how I might adapt techniques and processes to suit me.
I can use my sketchbook to record, generate ideas, test ideas and reflect.
I can make a shadow puppet thinking about how the qualities of the materials I use affect the final outcome.
I can manipulate the materials using tools so that the puppets I make have character and expression.
I can make my puppets move in simple ways by articulating them.
I can work with my peers to create a collaborative experience.
I can share my work, as a team, and share and listen to feedback.
I can give my feedback to the work of other teams, and appreciate the differences and similarities of their work to ours.
I can photograph or film our puppets and performance.