The Intaglio Printing Process by Neil Woodall

Museums Sheffield

Artist Neil Woodall takes us through the intaglio printing process, creating a new work which can be seen in the Millennium Gallery exhibition, Printing Sheffield. The exhibition showcases work by a host of hugely talented printmakers working in the city today.

Many thanks to Alan Silvester at Museums Sheffield, and to Neil Woodall, for sharing this resource.

The Intaglio Printing Press
The Intaglio Printing Press

My name is Neil Woodhall and I’m an intaglio printer. I’ve been printing for about thirty years now. I used to live in London, and I saw some exhibitions of Otto Dix and Goya and I thought they were just fantastic. I had to find out how people did this, and eventually I ended up going to Central School of Art in London, started doing night classes, just to learn etching, and then I ended up doing a Postgraduate course in printing there and I’ve stayed with it ever since.

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