Artist Studio Series: Alej Ez


By Scarlett Rebecca.

In this Artist Studio series I will be talking to a range of artists about how they work, visiting their studios; finding out about the peculiarities of their studios, how they use them and what the studios mean to them. I will be visiting an artist with a tiny space in their garage, artists in shared studios with other people and shared facilities, and I will also be sharing an insight into my own home studio space. 

Artist Alej Ez working at his desk.

For the last in my series of studio visits I went to see Alej Ez at the shared studio cooperative, Studio Greenhouse. When Alej joined studio greenhouse is 2015 he was working as an architect, since then he has moved away from architecture and now makes his living as an artist. I first met Alej when I was also part of Studio Greenhouse in 2016. I was interested to find out from him what it’s been like working in a shared studio space as an architect and through his transition to full-time artist.

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