Feeling Our Way Around Wool

By Paula Briggs

This resource shares the Week Three session at Jeavons Wood Primary School in Cambourne, Cambridgeshire, in which I’ll be working with a year 5 pupil (Lily-Rani) and a year 4 pupil (Daniel) for one hour once a week. Through regular sessions, and in collaboration with the school, the aim is to:

  • Provide the opportunity for the children to develop their hands-on making and visual arts skills through regular contact and small group work;
  • Help build confidence in the children in all areas of their school life, including academic, social, creative and practical skills, and so demonstrate the importance of hands-on creative exploration;
  • Inspire visual arts projects amongst other pupils and staff in the school by sharing outcomes.
Oils pastel and charcoal woollen cone
Oil pastel and charcoal woollen cone


Week Three – Feeling Our Way Around Wool

Thanks to a kind donation of wool from Roger Oates Floors & Fabrics, we had some lovely cones of wool. They are incredibly tactile objects, and I thought before we use the wool for making, we should use it as the subject matter for some drawings.

Cones of wool
Cones of wool


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