Which Artists: Cas Holmes


By Cas Holmes

In this resource Textile artist Cas Holmes shares her everyday connections with place. Cas talks about her interests in the symbolism of everyday, from the need for the things we recognise as ours such as family, to the need to eat. This resource takes us through the journey of Cas’s childhood memories, her travels to India and the exploration of her Romani Heritage through her textiles practice.

North Westerly Installation by Cas Holmes

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

What We Like About This Resource....

“The sense of journey and feeling of movement is such an interesting part of Cas’ textile work here. We love how location and place is communicated through the variety of fluid and meandering textile marks used. Cas’ Romani background as well as early experience living in Japan make for a rich cultural backdrop to her work. The themes here could be explored in the classroom by asking children to use memories of places they’ve visited to produce a creative response using fabrics and mixed media” – Rachel, AccessArt

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