AccessArt Membership: Pay Annually By Direct Debit Online


Direct Debit* provides an easy way to pay for your annual AccessArt subscription. For just £42 per year you gain full access to all our resources, plus downloadable pdf’s. You also qualify for discount on our Distance Learning Courses.

Pay via Go Cardless

With Direct Debit, you are in Control

AccessArt wants to save you time and trouble – we know for many customers paying by Paypal is a hassle, with failed payments because your card has expired mean you lose access to resources. For that reason we are introducing Direct Debit as a payment option.

You’ll be notified of any upcoming payments, and you can cancel whenever you want. The Direct Debit Guarantee makes this the safest way to pay.

Our chosen payment operator is Go Cardless. Go Cardless is a highly secure and popular system used by HM Government, The Guardian and The Financial Times, amongst many others.

Setting up a Direct Debit with AccessArt is extremely simple (even pleasurable!!). When you click the GoCardless image below, you will be taken to a simple secure Go Cardless form.

If you have any questions, call us AccessArt on 01223 606139.

*At the moment we can only take Direct Debits for customers with banks in the UK. If you live outside the UK and wish to join AccessArt, please see all other options here.

Click the image below to be taken to the online form.

Pay via Go Cardless