Alternative Fashion


By Jan Miller

A scarf and jacket on painted cardboard.

Jan Miller is an Art and Design Technology teacher and magazine editor with 25 years’ experience. In this post Jan describes a fashion and textiles project delivered to a class of Year 5s and 6s where the group were encouraged to create unique fashion designs using a range of processes.

The project was developed over several lessons, but any one of the activities could be completed as a standalone task, depending on the availability of materials and paper size. The activity is suitable for any age, any setting – kitchen table craft, activity group or lesson. Children can work in pairs and younger/older pupils could also engage with this project.



Children often make imaginative figure drawings in their leisure time and this joyful project was a development of this interest. The figure has always been a source of focus for artists through time and there are several artists who could be used as inspiration. We wanted a fun and engaging approach, whilst building skills and working with spontaneous techniques in a creative environment – by creating our own fashion school and designing unique clothes.

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