Creating Repeat Patterns With Rachel Parker


By Rachel Parker 

In this post, surface pattern designer Rachel Parker shows us how we can create seamless repeat patterns using a ‘square tile repeat’. This resource will get your students thinking about colours and shapes, and the relationship between these components to create an overall balanced pattern. This activity can be adapted for all age groups and gives a great insight into the creative process of a professional pattern designer.

Creating A Collaged Pattern By Rachel Parker

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AccessArt is a UK Charity and we believe everyone has the right to be creative. AccessArt provides inspiration to help us all reach our creative potential.

What We Like About This Resource...

“This is a great activity for really tuning into colour and shape. The process is ultimately quite a refined one (ie making a pattern balanced and repeated ‘correctly’) – but there’s plenty of scope for exploring pattern in a more experiential way prior to the refinement page. Try one of the recommended resources below to introduce pattern and begin with some open ended activities to build skill and confidence.” – Andrea, AccessArt

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