Gemma Longbottom – Animators Sketchbook


Artist Gemma Longbottom shares her animators sketchbook.

Gemma Longbottom

“My sketchbook is not just a book, it is one of the most important tools I use in order to understand what it is that I am actually trying to communicate through stop motion animation.

Gemma Longbottom

I use my sketchbook as a place to reflect, a place to store visual thoughts, a place to scribble, stick, cut, paint and explore characters, stories and different worlds.

Gemma Longbottom

On occasion I will go through at least 3 sketchbooks within a matter of weeks, as I can often get disoriented in the creativity that the blank pages can entice from me.

Gemma Longbottom

Despite my sketchbooks often being very shabby covered in paint marks, masking tape, scalpel scores and post-it notes; I definitely consider sketchbooks to be wonderful and useful artworks in their own right.”

Gemma Longbottom

Gemma Longbottom