Download the full AccessArt Inset PDF here
Printmaking is one of those skills that can be integrated into learning across subject areas, including maths, literacy and the humanities and across all key stages and levels of dexterity and ability. It is a core creative skill and fine art discipline which, AccessArt would argue, all children should have mastered before leaving primary school. A part from anything – printmaking is fun!
As well as increasing children’s dexterity and sense of aesthetic, here are some examples of how print-making can be used in your school:
- Geometry and maths – geometric patterns to reinforce spacial thinking and geometric relationships including repetitive patterns, tessellation negative and positive etc.,
- History – for example to explore Egyptian, Greek and Roman motifs and designs,
- Literacy – illustrating stories and books,
- Stationary, including cards themed (seasonal) cards – great for creating a series of the same image,
- Can be used decoratively to make frames, livening work up for display boards etc..
AccessArt has experimented with different approaches to facilitate printmaking in the class room and can tailor an inset to your school’s specific need. In a morning session AccessArt can introduce all printmaking basics including:
- Mono printing,
- Foam printing,
- Lino printing and
- Tips for printing on cloth.
To discuss an Inset please phone 01223 606139 or email: