The Two Halves Drawing Project by AccessArt

The AccessArt “Two Halves” Postcard Project was a project run in 2017. The aim of this project was to inspire people of all ages to come together through drawing.

The project would make a wonderful, collaborative way to raise the profile of the arts in your school. It could also help develop drawing skills of pupils and teachers, and deepen their understanding of the potential of drawing as a visual language. 


What Is the AccessArt "two halves" postcard project?

“A huge thank you to all concerned! This has been a truly brilliant activity for my pupils. They have all been totally involved. Each child thought hard about ways to react to the drawing they received and they had some terrific discussions. I don’t think they will ever look at pictures in the same way again having had this experience.” Diana Thompson, Laidlaw Education

The Two Halves Drawing project


Download a pdf of the postcard here.

Download the Postcard

Resources to support you

Be inspired by these drawing ideas and approaches to get your creative ideas flowing!

Please note: We are no longer creating online galleries now the project is being offered locally as something the schools themselves run independently of AccessArt. 


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