VIVID Young Creatives: Susie Olczak at Swavesey Village College, Cambs


VIVID Young Creatives welcomes Susie Olczak at Swavesey Village College, Cambridgeshire

As part of the evaluation of the ACE funded, 40 Artist Educator resources, AccessArt has joined forces with Cambridge School of Art at Anglia Ruskin University to bring a workshop programme of visiting visual artists or ‘creative practitioners’ into four Cambridgeshire schools.

The project is supported by VIVID (Value Increase by Visual Design) a “2 Seas” cross-border cooperation programme co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

The project has been coordinated and managed by AccessArt.

Susie Olczak

Susie Olczak’s work explores how the viewer experiences space, form and light. Susie uses materials such as perspex, steel, concrete and stone and combines them to change their perceived properties. Susie’s work has been shown around the UK, Japan, the US, Singapore and Finland, in galleries and the public realm. She has shown at the BBC in Scotland, Cambridge Institute of Astronomy and for Charles Saatchi at the Big Chill Festival.

Susie introduces students at Swavesey Village College to her work and sculpture
Susie introduces students at Swavesey Village College to her work and sculpture


Susie worked with two groups of 20, year eight (12 -13 years old) students at Swavesey Village College, introducing them to ideas of sculpture and working in response to the built environment in mixed media.

“I wanted to make the day as non-prescriptive as possible, so that the students could really get a feel for sculpture and experimenting with materials. My aims for the day were for the students to get a sense of what it is like to use a range of different materials to make a 3D object.

I wanted them to have fun and to go away having learnt something about sculpture and feeling inspired. I also felt it important to use a mixture of different materials, so that the students wouldn’t feel too precious about their work but also by using materials that are immediate and easy to manipulate they could really experiment without feeling prohibited. 

Students at Swavesey Village College work with mixed media - inspired by Susie Olczak
Students work with mixed media – inspired by Susie Olczak


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