Wet Strength Tissue Paper Cups


By Jan Miller

3D cups made from card and wet strength tissue paper.


Wet strength tissue is an alternative to papier-mache. Its quick drying time and strength with just one layer allows even the youngest children to produce a successful 3-dimensional model that looks good even before colour is added. It is suited to any ink and paints and for older children there are possibilities to create inexpensive, large-scale lightweight structures using a skeletal framework from wire or willow withies.

Unlike traditional tissue paper (that very quickly turns to mush when wet), wet strength tissue is designed to take a glue solution and just a couple of layers is all that is needed to build a very strong large structure. Unlike mod-roc it remains lightweight, is quick to apply as well as dry. I particularly like the translucent effect, seeing the structure within.

Modelling is an exciting process which is a great way to experiment and explore. The technique of card and a tissue skin will reach out to all ages and can be easily adapted to suit different levels of ability, lending itself well to many themes and curriculum areas and children will enjoy the exciting outcomes that wet strength tissue can offer!

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