Which Artists: Theresa Easton

By Theresa Easton

Theresa Easton is socially engaged Printmaker with a keen interest in cultural commentary. Theresa’s quest to find alternative materials to paper within her printmaking has led her to create outcomes using glass, ceramics and metal to name a few. As well as creating her own work, Theresa works within the community to teach others new skills whilst informing her own socially engaged practice. In this post, Theresa talks about working creatively alongside organisations like Newcastle’s Literary and Philosophical Society and other creatives, to create beautiful socially conscious books and prints. This post may be of interest to older teenagers and young people who are looking at ways to use their art to engage in and comment upon societal issues.

Studio Photo by Theresa Easton

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“It’s interesting to hear Theresa describe Printmaking as a social activity, with the shared use of materials and equipment so central to the practice. This could be a positive way of working for lots of children in school, where instead of just working on individual art work, they can collaborate and embrace the creative sharing experience!” – Tobi, AccessArt.

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