How to Use Modroc

By Paula Briggs

Modroc (or mod roc) is another name for plaster impregnated bandage, and it can be used to make sculpture by even very young children (who love the messiness!) or by older children/adults who enjoy its versatility. In summary, modroc starts off dry, you then dip it in water and then model with it. It then sets hard, hence “mod” (mud) – “roc” (rock).

Modroc is used over an armature, which can be made in a number of ways depending upon age, ability or purpose. This How to… module assumes you have your armature and you are ready to use modroc.

What can you make with modroc?
Buying modroc;
Setting up your workspace and other equipment;
Using the modroc;
Once the modroc is dry;
Top tips!
Health & Safety;
Alternatives to using modroc.

What can you make with modroc?

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